Meliha Perez Halpern is now Senior Counsel at ChasenBoscolo


Valuable Legal Guidance Before You Need It

At Pérez Halpern, LLC, we believe a law firm should go above and beyond for its clients. Our cooperative and compassionate approach lets us support clients in their time of need. In that spirit, we provide a free, monthly print newsletter intended to proactively keep MD/VA/DC residents well-informed in the following key areas:

  • Personal injury law news and legal developments
  • Relevant information and advice about car accident law
  • Updates and announcements about our law firm

We aim to offer practical information that really matters to you, so that when the time comes and you become the victim in an injury-causing accident, you will know exactly how to react. All you have to do is enter your mailing address below, and you’ll be added to our free mailing list. We hope you find this to be a useful resource and we encourage you to share it with your friends and loved ones!

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